Zoo Amphitheatre
Oklahoma City, OK
Set 1: Kill Devil Falls, Rift, Wilson, Backwards Down The Number Line, The Moma Dance, The Divided Sky, Wolfman's Brother, Axilla, 46 Days, Ya Mar, Stealing Time From The Faulty Plan, Run Like An Antelope
Set 2: Down With Disease > Birds of a Feather > My Friend My Friend, My Friend My Friend > Rock and Roll > Twist, If I Could, Light > Harry Hood, Character Zero, Suzy Greenberg
Encore: Slave to the Traffic Light, Loving Cup
I stayed at Ozzy's in St. Louis after the show. In the morning I drove him to Bobby's place where he had left his car the day before. The drive down I-44 was uneventful. I was amused by the Jesse James and Todd Akin signage along the road. There was a huge Homer Simpson billboard in Springfield. I thought of the devastating tornado when I drove through Joplin. The turnpike in Oklahoma was annoying. I feel those shouldn't be allowed west of the Mississippi. The landscape quickly changed and the red soil became visable. Tulsa seemed like a sizeable city. I made it to OKC and drove past the Cheseapeake Bay Arena which had been the site of rioting during the NBA playoffs last year. We stayed at the Sheraton across from the arena right downtown. I ate Subway pre-show. Eat fresh. Bobby, Steve A, and friends rode in the VUE out to the Zoo. We parked in a distant lot of a casino adjacent to the Zoo. This was the be the final summer of concerts at this venue which was clearly antiquated and basic. I didn't mind the venue but it was quite hot weatherwise before the show.
The crowd was a lot of locals and also plenty of Texans who had made the journey north. I felt out of my element. The first set was a song oriented affair. Wolfman's and 46 Days were the only real highlights but even these versions were lacking comparatively speaking. I hoped the second set would include some exploratory jamming like the night before in STL. That was not to be.
The second set was more standard, phoned in Phish. Trey said they were excited to be there but what they delivered was a watered down, bland performance. I was bored at times and definitely felt tired from the long solo drive from St. Louis to OKC. Phish really didn't make it worth out while to drive out of our way down to Oklahoma. I should have just cruised straight west on 70 from STL to Denver and skipped this one in hindsight. The scene in the lot afterwords had plenty of gas. It was sketchy. The next morning I dropped Bobby off at the Will Rogers Airport. I cut my losses and hit the road for Colorado via Texas and New Mexico.
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